mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Glossary of terms for psychology

Glossary of terms for psychology

The psychology is the study of the behaviours and facts of the people. It's very large, it can involve feelings, values, thoughts, remorses,etc.

Some words are essential in the psychologie:
  • Anxiety: It means the worries a person can have for something that haven't pass actually.
  • Bipolar: It defines a person that change the way they act in any moment for no reason.
  • Paranoia: It's when a person thinks that everyone want to see him failling.
  • Phobia: We see this when someone is really afraid of something, it can be an object, alive or not.
  • Addiction: The person has and a habit and can't stop doing what he does, because his body need it too.
  • Mental disorder: It is showed by behaviours that proves to the hospital that your not going well mentally.
  • Therapy: This is a meeting with a psychologist ,that can help you feel better.
  • Personality: It defines the mostly visible character of the person.
  • Learning: This is the process to knowledge of a field of study, here : how to live?
  • Humanism: This is a culture that turns only around the human values and interest.

A Day in the Life of a Psychologist

A Day in the Life of a Psychologist 

A psychologist is a person specialized in psychology to be able to understand the feelings of the others and that is also capable to understand different situations. Often, this person have the capacity to see the meaning of some behaviours. 

I chose the article named a Day in the Life of a Psychologist from the Dalhousie University. It talks about Dr. Joanne Gusella, a psychologist in the Eating Disorders Clinic. It shows the schedule of this women starting by the morning and ending by the night.

  • In this world, there are many influences that can affect people and can make them feel like nothing (low self esteem). Bad influences can be see as intimidation like bully, also a broken heart can maybe bring a depression that some people isn't able to pass through, etc. In this concept, the psychologist, Dr. Gusella is helping the people with eating disorders because some people is complexed by them body, mostly their weight. This kind of problem prove that they have low self-esteem, something that we have to arrange before they do something wrong. There are two kinds of eating disorders.  The first case defines a person who does not want to eat, what is called anorexia. If that person eat, they will choose to vomit everything after because they are afraid to take extra kilos. The second case defines a person who doesn't eat for a while and decided to eat more than usual (especially very calorie foods) and then vomits everything.

  • In the morning, the specialist in psychology and nutrition does her things like everyone. She wake up, eat and get dress for the day. When she arrives at the clinic, she contacts her clients to answer to them questions and she look to her schedule. After, she starts receiving some patients and she is exposed to some particular situations involving teens and adults. Then, she organizes some appointments and convenes with the team to learn and refresh about the news of the clinic and the patients. 

  • In the afternoon, she continued talking and helping people. She also talks with the family of the patient and tells them what are the things to do. She can tell them to have the patient under observation at the clinic or to bring him many other times to see the evolution. This psychologist has another cabinet, where she goes to see her other clients, she also does convention around the country (Canada) to teach people about this common problem, she try to contact some psychologists specialized on that too, to help her.

  • In the night, she goes to her house and supper with her family as everybody else does.

  • In conclusion, a person with anorexia or bulimia may show signs of weight loss ,anxiety , impulsivity and mood changes.
482 words

mardi 6 octobre 2015

The history of psychology

The history of psychology

The name of the  website is
This website was create to help people , like teachers, in their communicaton. It also gives them a base in the history of psychology. The website can be see as a review of a class (of psychology and other classes) if some information was missed.Their is 5 staffs in this website.We find Pete Neal who is the general manager, Michele McLeod that is the senior program officer, Yolanda Odunsi that is the manager in the interactive services, Stacie Pierpoint who works into the communication and Kristine Inchausti who is the administrative assistant. They say that it is for students and teachers.

Now, I will give you some general information of the website.
In the actual page, you'll see six icons and four more aspects;

  • The fist one named Discovering psychologie. If you click on discovering psychology, you'll be able to know the evolution of psychology from 1879 to 2000 and you will be transfert to 26 videos about some questions that everybody has in their mind, like the self, the psychology, the motivation and the emotion.

  • The second icon, just under the first one, is named history of psychology and tells us with a timeline the difference in the psychology form before to now.

  • The third icon named Research methods tells us about the matematics and statitistics of psychology.

  • The fourth one named the humain brain is about the structure of the brain and the fonction of each part of the brain.

  • The fifth one named life span development talk about the process of the childhood to the adult age.

  •  The sixth icon is about the Approches in pratice. It tells us the meanning of the psychologicals disorders.

  • The four last aspects give us the opportunity to see the series info and the series glossary. It also has a list of the pionners of psychology and the site map for more information.

This website is realeated to my field of study, because it talks about psychology and many phenomenes that I'm almost seeing in my psychology classes. It really explains every concept as I have learn it in class.It also gives me more exemples and supplémentary explanation of what I already know. 369 words