We are all differents, that's what we think. Certainly we are different depending the enviromment like the family, the friends, the city.We will always be looking like the people, we talk to or spend time with. That's what we call socialization process. Social Science show us the differences and the similarities between the people.
Specificely in psychology, we learn about the reasons we act the way we act,the behavior and the influence we all have been living by the others. After this class, you are supposed to have the necessary to be patient, kind. Also,you learn how to undertand people better. So, you become a good individual in the society.
First of all, you have more arguments. You got more to say when you want to defend the situation of someone. In, the class you learn how to communicate without going out of the objet. You can explain by talking about his past, his lifestyle, his mind also.
Second of all, you can help people. Depending on feelings, you can become a psychologist. If you are neutral you'll be a good one, because you can show to the patient that you're feeling bad about his story.Sometimes people feel hurt, stressed or lost and they don't know how to communicated with the others so they do bad thinks after a big accumulation. Others know what to do and search for a psychologist to talk and receive some advices.
Third of all,you can be your own boss. Of course, if you get specialize into psychology you can open your own office and you can have your own patients. You can also have a secretary that will manage your schedule.
Fourth of all, you will see everything clearly. Before having this classes, you will maybe have a very close mind.After, you'll be able to understand everyone and you'll get an open mind. This means that you'll juge less and think more.
Fifth of all, you can make good money. You will have a good knowlegde and also you will be living without stress because you will have money.
Life is better when you are patient and gentel with the others. you should become a psychologist.