lundi 30 novembre 2015


Start here or see the diagram.

It all started like this.

It was her first day in the Montreal University. She knew that it was finally her last step to success. She was studying in Social Sciences and she wasn't sure of what she would like to do as a career. At the same moment, she was happy but insecure. She had to choose something that will catch her attention. Choice 1: She decided to concentrate her studies in psychology.

Scene 1.

She decided to concentrate her studies in psychology because she really had great grades in her classes of psychology in cegep and she thought that it was easy even if she have never been in the position of a psychologist. Perhaps, she had to choose in between job trainnning paid for her first years in the university and the job trainning without been paid. Choice 1: She choose the paid trainning being paid.

Scene 2.

She was very happy because her psychology's teacher told her that she was going to do an intern paid. She asked where and the teacher said that it was going to be in an orphanage. Perhaps, when she was a child, she have been through sexual harrassement and she was maybe not ready for an interaction with kids. However, there was a vacant position in that school and she was needing money. She wasn't going to be well paid and her boss at the bakery asked if she would like a prenim wage but she will have to make 40 hour per week and she had to leave school. She truly had to make a choice. Choice 1: She decide to quit the university. Choice 2: She decide to continue school.

Scene 3.

She decided to quit the university sadly and continued working as a manager in the baery. While she was working, she met a men. He looked very rich, gentel and intelligent. He also had the chance to end school, not like her. Every morning, he was in her bakery taking a coffe and eating. One day, he talked to her and told asked her if she was interrested to travel the world with him. She had to choose in between travelling with a men she just met or staying home. Choice 1: She decided to leave with him. Choice 2: She decided to stay at home.

Scene 4.

She decided to leave her old life and leave a big a adventure with that men. They were suppossed to met in the airport at 6 am but he never came. Start again: She went back to her house.

Scene 5.

She decide to stay home. One morning, while she was working, the bakery was in fire. The bakery burned and she burned too. Nobody really knew her so nobody went to her funerals. Start again: If she had another chance, she would continue school.

Scene 6.

She continued school and stayed at her old work as a partial worker. During her internship, The director really liked the way she worked because she was sweet and patient with others that's why he asked her if she would like to take the vacant position. She started thinking about her hard childhood and her experiences but she had to make a decision that day. Choice 1: She accepted the vacant position. Choice 2: She didn't accept the vacant position.

Scene 7.

She accepted the vacant positin but it was a lot more of work than before and many of those children were cying for the parents they didn't have and it reminds her of her . She felt bad the whole day and from nowhere she had a heart attack.Nobody could help her , she died at the hospital. The doctor said that she maybe had too much pressure in her life. Start again: She had another choice.

Scene 8.

She didn't accepted that vacant place, but she truly enjoy the moment she had there, because it was rough to see kids suffering for love. Now, she have a cat and she is 50 years ,she is rich and very happy.

mercredi 21 octobre 2015

Glossary of terms for psychology

Glossary of terms for psychology

The psychology is the study of the behaviours and facts of the people. It's very large, it can involve feelings, values, thoughts, remorses,etc.

Some words are essential in the psychologie:
  • Anxiety: It means the worries a person can have for something that haven't pass actually.
  • Bipolar: It defines a person that change the way they act in any moment for no reason.
  • Paranoia: It's when a person thinks that everyone want to see him failling.
  • Phobia: We see this when someone is really afraid of something, it can be an object, alive or not.
  • Addiction: The person has and a habit and can't stop doing what he does, because his body need it too.
  • Mental disorder: It is showed by behaviours that proves to the hospital that your not going well mentally.
  • Therapy: This is a meeting with a psychologist ,that can help you feel better.
  • Personality: It defines the mostly visible character of the person.
  • Learning: This is the process to knowledge of a field of study, here : how to live?
  • Humanism: This is a culture that turns only around the human values and interest.

A Day in the Life of a Psychologist

A Day in the Life of a Psychologist 

A psychologist is a person specialized in psychology to be able to understand the feelings of the others and that is also capable to understand different situations. Often, this person have the capacity to see the meaning of some behaviours. 

I chose the article named a Day in the Life of a Psychologist from the Dalhousie University. It talks about Dr. Joanne Gusella, a psychologist in the Eating Disorders Clinic. It shows the schedule of this women starting by the morning and ending by the night.

  • In this world, there are many influences that can affect people and can make them feel like nothing (low self esteem). Bad influences can be see as intimidation like bully, also a broken heart can maybe bring a depression that some people isn't able to pass through, etc. In this concept, the psychologist, Dr. Gusella is helping the people with eating disorders because some people is complexed by them body, mostly their weight. This kind of problem prove that they have low self-esteem, something that we have to arrange before they do something wrong. There are two kinds of eating disorders.  The first case defines a person who does not want to eat, what is called anorexia. If that person eat, they will choose to vomit everything after because they are afraid to take extra kilos. The second case defines a person who doesn't eat for a while and decided to eat more than usual (especially very calorie foods) and then vomits everything.

  • In the morning, the specialist in psychology and nutrition does her things like everyone. She wake up, eat and get dress for the day. When she arrives at the clinic, she contacts her clients to answer to them questions and she look to her schedule. After, she starts receiving some patients and she is exposed to some particular situations involving teens and adults. Then, she organizes some appointments and convenes with the team to learn and refresh about the news of the clinic and the patients. 

  • In the afternoon, she continued talking and helping people. She also talks with the family of the patient and tells them what are the things to do. She can tell them to have the patient under observation at the clinic or to bring him many other times to see the evolution. This psychologist has another cabinet, where she goes to see her other clients, she also does convention around the country (Canada) to teach people about this common problem, she try to contact some psychologists specialized on that too, to help her.

  • In the night, she goes to her house and supper with her family as everybody else does.

  • In conclusion, a person with anorexia or bulimia may show signs of weight loss ,anxiety , impulsivity and mood changes.
482 words

mardi 6 octobre 2015

The history of psychology

The history of psychology

The name of the  website is
This website was create to help people , like teachers, in their communicaton. It also gives them a base in the history of psychology. The website can be see as a review of a class (of psychology and other classes) if some information was missed.Their is 5 staffs in this website.We find Pete Neal who is the general manager, Michele McLeod that is the senior program officer, Yolanda Odunsi that is the manager in the interactive services, Stacie Pierpoint who works into the communication and Kristine Inchausti who is the administrative assistant. They say that it is for students and teachers.

Now, I will give you some general information of the website.
In the actual page, you'll see six icons and four more aspects;

  • The fist one named Discovering psychologie. If you click on discovering psychology, you'll be able to know the evolution of psychology from 1879 to 2000 and you will be transfert to 26 videos about some questions that everybody has in their mind, like the self, the psychology, the motivation and the emotion.

  • The second icon, just under the first one, is named history of psychology and tells us with a timeline the difference in the psychology form before to now.

  • The third icon named Research methods tells us about the matematics and statitistics of psychology.

  • The fourth one named the humain brain is about the structure of the brain and the fonction of each part of the brain.

  • The fifth one named life span development talk about the process of the childhood to the adult age.

  •  The sixth icon is about the Approches in pratice. It tells us the meanning of the psychologicals disorders.

  • The four last aspects give us the opportunity to see the series info and the series glossary. It also has a list of the pionners of psychology and the site map for more information.

This website is realeated to my field of study, because it talks about psychology and many phenomenes that I'm almost seeing in my psychology classes. It really explains every concept as I have learn it in class.It also gives me more exemples and supplémentary explanation of what I already know. 369 words

jeudi 10 septembre 2015


We are all differents, that's what we think. Certainly we are different depending the enviromment like the family, the friends, the city.We will always be looking like the people, we talk to or spend time with. That's what we call socialization process. Social Science show us the differences and the similarities between the people.

 Specificely in psychology, we learn about the reasons we act the way we act,the behavior and the influence we all have been living by the others. After this class, you are supposed to have the necessary to be patient, kind. Also,you learn how to undertand people better. So, you become a good individual in the society.


 First of all, you have more arguments. You got more to say when you want to defend the situation of someone. In, the class you learn how to communicate without going out of the objet. You can explain by talking about his past, his lifestyle, his mind also.


Second of all, you can help people. Depending on feelings, you can become a psychologist. If you are neutral you'll be a good one, because you can show to the patient that you're feeling bad about his story.Sometimes people feel hurt, stressed or lost and they don't know how to communicated with the others so they do bad thinks after a big accumulation. Others know what to do and search for a psychologist to talk and receive some advices.


Third of all,you can be your own boss. Of course, if you get specialize into psychology you can open your own office and you can have your own patients. You can also have a secretary that will manage your schedule.


 Fourth of all, you will see everything clearly. Before having this classes, you will maybe have a very close mind.After, you'll be able to understand everyone and you'll get an open mind. This means that you'll juge less and think more.


 Fifth of all, you can make good money. You will have a good knowlegde and also you will be living without stress because you will have money.

 Life is better when you are patient and gentel with the others. you should become a psychologist.

jeudi 3 septembre 2015

pronounciation that's it

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